- Marketplaces
Recruiting IT developers has never been so complicated due to the impact of digital transformation on our businesses. This company created a solution with a tool that maintains contact with active and passive IT developers. Based on the like/match/chat principle, the platform aims to disrupt the sector by making recruitment efficient, easy and cost saving.
Site WebOther backed projets
Grainz is cloud based AI for the hospitality sector, designed to optimise margins & maximise eff...
ALX Systems
ALX Systems is a Liege-based company that offers embedded artificial intelligence programs on drones...
Tacite is a management and promotion platform for the performing arts.
Axiles Bionics
Axiles Bionics, a spin-off of the VUB, is a leading research center in human robotics, striving to i...
Ethernetics is a digital green company with one major mission: decarbonize the internet and offer a...
456 Skin
The first skincare brand dedicated to melanin-rich skin
PraxySanté is a French generative AI company, founded by researchers (INRIA, CNRS), doctors and AI e...
Mitral Technologies
The company has developed a medical device to treat patients with mitral regurgitation using a non-i...
BeInfluence creates visibility for brands through nano and micro influencers in Belgium.
Eating with Gourmart is very simple: our gourmet meals are pasteurized in jars and stay fresh for 2...