Elodie Trojanowski, the new BeAngels representative in Luxembourg

Elodie Trojanowski, the new BeAngels representative in Luxembourg

After more than a year as our representative and a successful launch in Luxembourg, Benjamin Tillier is handing over to Elodie Trojanowski to represent BeAngels. Elodie, the CEO and cofounder of Luxfactory has been appointed as the ideal candidate to recruit new investors and identify potential Luxembourg projects seeking funding. Elodie will be officially starting her new role on 22 September, at the first autumn pitch session which is being held at The City by Ginkgo.

In the autumn of 2021, BeAngels announced the expansion of its business into the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The goal was to recruit 100 members over the ensuing two years. Less than one year later, the network has 50 new Luxembourg members. “The gamble has paid off for the new Luxembourg branch. We have had confirmation of a genuine interest in the way in which BeAngels works and our innovative investment services. We would like to thank Benjamin for the highly successful launch, and we are delighted to welcome Elodie, who is well-known in the local entrepreneurial circuit, and who will also be able to help BeAngels identify promising projects seeking funding”.

Although most new members are familiar with finance, many have joined an investor group to learn about investing in startups with capital limited to €15k. “Although a financial or economic background provides some understanding of the business angels industry, investing in startups is a real skill which has to be learnt, like everything else. This is why we propose joining a group to make the first investments, while benefiting from support, as well as training”.

With Benjamin Tillier moving onto a new project, as the manager of FiveOffices, Elodie will take over the role of BeAngels representative in Luxembourg. The CEO of Luxfactory, specialising in data consulting and SME digitalisation, sees this partnership as a wonderful opportunity for both parties. “In the context of our digital business transition support services for SMEs, we sometimes have to find investors to finance projects. Investors demonstrate keen interest in investing in the highly attractive startup sector. BeAngels is the perfect companion for profiles looking to launch their business. On the other hand, the business angels community could gain access to a portfolio of more mature companies in the digital sphere”.

This view is shared by the CEO of BeAngels. “In the context of close collaboration between our two countries, Luxembourg and Belgium, our presence in the Grand Duchy is indispensable for us. BeAngels is seeking Luxembourg projects to support through funding, in the context of this strong interactivity. We wish to grow further by continuing to work hand in hand with the public authorities, in order to further strengthen the dynamism within both ecosystems”.

The Luxfactory CEO will be focusing closely on the female public. “Recruiting 50 members in such a short space of time is a glowing success. It demonstrates the keen appetite in Luxembourg for investing in startups. We now wish to focus on diversifying our membership. Although there is a global trend, there are currently still too few women involved. They have a full role to play in the financing chain and can add real value”.

The first autumn pitch session is being held on 22 September at The City by Ginkgo, with the presentation of five startups seeking financing. The Belgian economist Bruno Colmant will be present at the session in Belgium and will give a brief presentation on the theme of “Outlook on the future economic landscape: from a nightmare to a glimmer of hope”. Registration is open to anyone considering investing in startups. Info & registration.

About BeAngels
With over 20 years’ experience and more than 460 active members, BeAngels has built up one of the largest European networks of business angels. Through several investment formulas, the network provides support to future Belgian and European nuggets, at different stages of their development, and enables investors, with varied profiles in terms of available time and wealth, to invest in the real economy. Over 69 million euros have so far been invested in almost 380 startups. www.beangels.eu

About LuxFactory
Luxfactory supports large and medium-sized companies, in the Greater Region, in their digital projects. Drawing on its strong expertise in the domain of data, Luxfactory intervenes in project structuring at the economic and financial level, as an economic and technical advisor, by providing its clients with access to its IT specialists and teams with complementary profiles. www.luxfactory.com