BCTE Start

On Thursday, February 8, 2024 (6:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.) we welcome you for our first BCTE Start Event of the new year @Delen Private Bank - Ghent

Speakers for this evening are:

Nicolas Moerman (Nestor) and Bernard Hendrikx (Integra).

They will bring us insights on corporate governance from their role and experience to their professional course.

Address :

Parts Private Bank

Coupure Right 102

9000 Ghent

Rate :

Free for members

50 € excl. VAT for non-members registering for the second time



  1. Welcome

  2. BCTE and Delen Private Bank

  3. Case – In duo: Nicolas Moerman & Bernard Hendrikx

  4. Break Out in groups

  5. Q&A - Feedback in group

  6. Final word BCTE Start - Community

  7. Start Networking